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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sex, Sushi and Salvation

Sex, Sushi and Salvation, Christian George, Moody Publishers, 2008

Many people want something more out of life than just the right sneakers or an ipod. For them, feelings of intimacy, community and eternity are much more important. Here is one person's attempt to find such things in daily life.

The author was part of a mission trip to Russia to set up a summer camp for local orphans. While he was there, he was propositioned by a Russian prostitute. He declined her offer, and she ran away in tears. She later told him that he was the first person to ever say no to her. In high school, he, along with several others in his class, was inconsiderate to a female classmate who was unprepared for a test. Two hours later, she was dead in an auto accident.

A young man from a rich family went on a pilgrimage to Rome. Tired of a life of partying, he took a lifelong vow of poverty. The family was not pleased, but he stuck with it, despite many attempts to bring him back to "reality". The young man became St. Francis of Assisi. God's creation is always better than man's creation; one day, the author was flying a radio controlled airplane. It was attacked by a hawk, and eventually crashed.

Everyone bows down to, or worships, something, whether it's God, music, fashion or the human intellect. Cathedrals, whether plain or gaudy, all point to the past. They encourage visitors to see God in all His glory.

This book is recommended for anyone, religious or not-so-religious, who is looking for a relationship with God. It does a good job of showing how faith can be found in the mundane things of everyday life.

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