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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Legends in Time: Exiles

Legends in Time: Exiles, Vincent Hobbes et al, Hobbes End Publishing LLC, 2008

Part 2 of a series, this continued the story of Consul Veris, a senior member of the Nadorian Senate, who is engaged in a desperate journey to King Kedor of Aronia, far to the north. He was sent on this mission by Emperor Makheb, after being told that he, Veris, was about to be arrested by his Senate colleagues, and accused of trying to kill the same Emperor Makheb.

While Makheb travels to the desolate Endlands, to confront Ramunak, the cause of all this, several other members of the Senate, who can best be described as "power-hungry," consolidate their power. The word is spread throughout the empire that Veris is an outlaw; Wanted: Dead or Alive.

Meantime, Veris, who is really a famous warrior from the Barbarian Wars named Gromulus, stops in a small town on the edge of the Denok Forest to visit Fayorn, an old war buddy, and to return his sword (it's not as simple as it sounds). Even though Fayorn lives on Nadorian land, he thinks of himself as citizen of Aronia, a very self-sufficient and independent people. Fayorn has no love for Emperor Makheb, or Nador, so he does not join Gromulus on his journey.

After a long time in self-imposed exile, Tornach, another war hero, returns home to a town that is unrecognizable. He is Ungoran, and they were the cause of a lot of bloodshed during the Barbarian Wars; memories of those days are slow to fade. In town after town, he is treated as if he, personally, is the reason that a loved one never came home.

Here is another well-done piece of writing. The plot may be a little simple, intended for younger readers, but it is very much worth the reader's time.

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