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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Twisted Shadows

Twisted Shadows, James Schmerer, Writers Club Press, 2000

Lou Parker, retired New York police detective, lives in Florida and spends his days on his boat, drinking beer and pretending to fish. One day, he receives word that Sean, his son and a fellow member of the NYPD, has been killed. Even though Lou wasn't exactly a model father, he is on the next plane to New York, forcing himself into the investigation.

The trouble is, there isn't any official investigation. Normally, cops will stop at nothing to find a cop killer. But, accusations that Sean was involved in drug dealing and had a Swiss bank account with many zeros in it serve to cool any official desire to solve the case. So Lou investigates on his own.

He runs into Chris Preston, Sean's former partner and former lover. She is young enough to be Lou's daughter. Their relationship can best be described as volatile; when they aren't ready to explode in each other's faces, they manage to fall in love with each other. A couple of attempts on their lives show that they're closing in on the killer.

I really enjoyed this novel. The settings and atmosphere are very realistic, and the author certainly knows his way around police procedures. Ed McBain, look behind you!

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