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Friday, August 31, 2012

Legend of the Rainbow Warrior

Legend of the Rainbow Warrior, Steven McFadden, Chiron Communications, 2001

According to many Native American traditions, when the Earth becomes very sick, people of all faiths and colors will rise up to face the challenges with caring, insight and honesty. Through a combination of storytelling and journalism, this book attempts to show how the Legend of the Rainbow Warriors matters right now.

The coming of the white man, and the near-elimination of the Indians, was not a surprise to Native Americans. Many tribes have some version of the following legend: Light-skinned people will come from the east  in great canoes powered by huge white wings. They will talk of a new religion of love and kindness, but not all will live by it. Instead they will enslave and exploit the Red Nations. The Indians will offer mixed resistance and seem to lose their spirit. Their lives will be filled with poverty and misery. The Earth will be filled with deadly metals and liquids, the air will be filled with smoke and ash and birds and fish will die. At some point, Light will come from the east, and natives will begin to regain their pride and wisdom. Many others, white, yellow and black, will also realize that Earth gives us the food, water and other essentials for life. They will come together using only peaceful means, and teach everyone to respect Mother Earth. They will not have an easy time, but they will prevail.

Remember Harmonic Convergence back in 1987? It was more than just a New Age hippie festival. According to many Native American calendars, that date signaled the start of a worldwide transition phase lasting for 25 years. The question is: transition to what? Perhaps to the point where the Legend of the Rainbow Warrior comes true.

The description of Earth being very sick and polluted, with plants and animals dying in great numbers certainly sounds like present-day Earth. Keep an eye on December 2012, when this 25-year cycle is supposed to end.

This book cannot be dismissed as just New Age nonsense, though an openness to Native American spirituality would be a big help when reading it. I found it to be very plausible, easy to understand and well worth reading.

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