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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gun Lust

Gun Lust, Mark Pilnick, Xlibris Corporation, 2000

This is a satire about the American obsession with guns and the forces arrayed on both sides of the issue. On one side is the National Weapons Federation, headed by actor Winston Lawton. Out west, Michael Klyter is the head of an obscure militia group. He and his wife start an "independent"
foundation to give money to conservative politicians just before the family moves to Washington so Michael can assume a senior position with the NWF. Reverend Jim Pennington is host of the nationally televised Fellowship Club. There is also a smattering of venal, self-serving politicians and right-wing
radio talk show hosts who make little or no attempt at on-air impartiality. On the other side is the radical People Against Handguns, who conduct an aggressive guerrilla campaign against the NWF and Rev. Pennington.

The NWF is pushing through Congress a bill called the Citizen Self-Defense and Crime Control Bill, which would exempt from punishment anyone who uses a gun to stop a crime. The NWF feel they have the votes to override a promised Presidential veto. Both sides put everything they have into this one, turning Washington into the political equivalent of a war zone. Things get very interesting when the President crashes an NWF rally in Washington and suggests that he might push for repeal of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

This book will get thrown across a lot of rooms. Sometimes, those are the best kind, those that grab a reader and violently shake them. Love it or hate it, no one will be ambivalent about this book. I loved it, and can heartily recommend it.

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