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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Booby-Trapped: How to Feel Normal in a Breast-Obsessed World

Booby-Trapped: How to Feel Normal in a Breast-Obsessed World, Nili Sachs, Beaver's Pond Press, 2003

(deep breath) This book looks at a group of women in a psychological therapy group, exploring subjects like femininity and body image in general, and breast size in particular.

The women are of varying ages and backgrounds. Their personal self-images range from pretty good to awful. The youngest member can't wait to show off her boob job to the others. Their reactions range from support to anger that she would insert a foreign substance into her body in that way. Why are breasts the most altered, and most hated, parts of a woman's body? Every woman wants perfect breasts, but such things are very rare, at best. They are going to be off center, or not the same size, or not "big enough," or something.

The niece of another group member is convinced that the road to happiness includes breast implants, so she plans to have the operation, with the support of her parents, to celebrate her sixteenth brithday. A third member is diagnosed with breast cancer. Before she goes to the hospital, she feels the need to stand in front of the group and actually say the words, "I have cancer. I could die." The rest of the group is a constant presence in the hospital. When she gets out, and rejoins the group, she considers getting an implant to replace that which the mastectomy removed.

This is quite a book. It was a very good idea to do it as the story of several average women, instead of as some dry women's health book. Women don't need me to say that this book is well worth reading. For the men out there who honestly care about their partner's health and well-being, this is highly recommended. If something is bothering her, but she refuses to talk about it, this book may just give the answer.

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