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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Legacy and Destiny

Legacy and Destiny, J. Michael Reidenbach and Dana Drenkowski, Corinthian Books, 1999

Elizabeth Armstrong is a former Governor of New Hampshire, now married to Peter Armstrong, fast-rising senator from Texas with his eye on the White House.

He is killed in a plane crash under mysterious circumstances, a crash which almost kills Elizabeth; she later becomes a sort of roving ambassador for the US Government. When political journalist Jack Bradshaw looks into the crash, he finds some Very Interesting Things, like the possibility that Peter was deliberately killed because he was getting too close in his investigation of the flow of drugs into America.

Around this time, Elizabeth agrees to run for President n the Democratic ticket. If They silenced Peter, will Elizabeth be next? Death threats against Elizabeth and Jack, by this time husband and wife, plus an assassination attempt against Elizabeth on the Mall in Washington, answer the question pretty clearly.

This one is really good. It's a fine campaign story with just enough political conspiracy included to keep it interesting. The fact that it's about a woman with a real chance to become President makes it that much more worth reading.

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