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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Health Care for Beginners

Health Care for Beginners, David Brizer, Writers and Readers Publishing Inc, 1994

Health care can be a confusing and mysterious thing. This book does a very good job at cutting through the fog and shedding some much needed light.

One estimate says that environmental pollution contributes to approximately 25% of today's medical problems. There are not enough primary care doctors, and too many specialists, especially in rural areas and the inner city. Many health care provider networks and insurance companies try to discourage those with major (expensive) medical problems from joining. In countries with national health insurance, like Canada, Britain, and France, the amount of GNP spent on health care stays the same from year to year.

In the US, the percentage of GNP going to health care rises by 20% per year. Between 1970 and 1982, the number of health care providers rose by 57%, while the number of administrators rose by 171%. Less than one-half of one percent of the national health budget is spent on preventive measures like prenatal care and reducing environmental toxins from industry.

This is a short book, but it really shows the current state of American health care. This subject affects everyone at one time or another, so this book is highly recommended for everyone.

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