Hello. This will be the new home for over 800 book reviews that I have written between 1997 and the end of 2010. They used to be found at http://www.deadtreesreview.com/, but that site will be discontinued.

My newer reviews will be found at http://www.deadtreesreview.blogspot.com/.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Moths to the Flame

Moths to the Flame: The Seductions of Computer Technology, Gregory J.E. Rawlings, The MIT Press, 1997

Simply put, this is a survey of the world brought about by modern technology. The first half of the book looks at areas like privacy, virtual reality and publishing. Rawlings explores how it is easier and cheaper for the military to train soldiers on a new weapon with VR simulators than with the actual weapon. Some form of electronic book is coming, with great changes in the concept of copyright protection. What happens to the concept of paying for a book? Who gets paid, and how?

The rest of the book looks at subjects like jobs, warfare and computer disasters. Warfare is already highly computerized. When will war become so split-second that it gets completely taken out of human hands? One of the requirements of a working missile defense system (like SDI) is totally perfect software, all the time. To quote from the book on that subject, "Mistakes are inevitable."

To some people, this may seem like Nothing New. It's really an engaging and interesting look at the world of computer technology written in language accessible to everyone. Well worth the reader's time.

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