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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chains of Gold

Chains of Gold, Nancy Springer, Tor Books, 1986

Lady Cerilla is to wed Arlen, the Summerking. On their wedding night, after their marriage is consummated, Arlen is to be ritually sacrificed, a process which involves being tied to a tree, and being castrated, flayed alive, and having his eyeballs removed. This is done by the Gwyneda, a group of blessed, cloistered women whom Cerilla is obligated to join once her and Arlen's son is born. Having fallen for each other at first sight, neither of them care much for this arrangement.

Lonn, Arlen's childhood friend, volunteers to die in his place so that he and Cerilla can run far away and attempt to start a life of their own. Having lived sheltered lives, the two get lots of help in living on their own from Lonn's spirit, who tags along. Months later, after a healthy son enters the world, Lonn takes over the baby's body, and tells Cerilla, in no uncertain terms, that when he is old enough, Cerilla will be his bride.

One expects certain things in a fantasy story: romance/sex, a little blood, well-done characters, supernatural beings, a level of writing that puts the writer right in the middle of the story, etc. This book more than delivers. Springer shows here that she really knows her way around a fantasy novel.

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