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Monday, November 5, 2012

Debt Cures 2 They Really Don't Want You to Know About

Debt Cures 2 They Really Don't Want You to Know About, Kevin Trudeau, Equity Press, 2009

Rising levels of consumer debt are a major concern of average people all over America. This book gives some easy ways to ease, or even eliminate, that burden.

Get a copy of your credit report and read it carefully. An annual free credit report is available from each of the major credit bureaus. If there are errors in your report, and there probably are, it is up to you to fix them. Pick up the telephone, start dialing, and document everything. If there is a collection on your account, call the collection agency, and ask if they will delete it from your credit report (not just mark it Paid) if you pay it. If you are near your credit card limit, pay it down to less than 30% of your credit card limit, or spread it over several cards. A high credit card balance does not look good on a credit report. Also, pay your bills on time, never miss a payment, and don't have too many credit cards.

If a collection agency suddenly starts calling, ask for documentation of the bill. Don't admit to anything over the phone. There is a fair chance that the debt isn't even legitimately yours; they are just looking for someone they can frighten into giving them money. Do not fall for their scare tactics. Think about negotiating with your creditors; they ought to accept partial payment over no payment.

Did you know that there is a Statute of Limitations on open accounts? If a certain bill is, for instance, more than 3 years old in New Hampshire, or more than 6 years old in Connecticut, collection agencies cannot legally collect on that bill. If you start getting collection calls on a bill where the SoL has almost run out, ask them to mail documentation to you. Delay as much as you can. Do not send in even a small payment, because that will start the Statute of Limitations countdown all over again.

This is surprisingly good, and surprisingly easy to read. It is full of information that really will help reduce consumer debt. It is well worth the reader's time.

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