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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food

Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food, Marc Lappe and Britt Bailey, Common Courage Press, 1998

Biotechnology is the new "risk-free" solution to the world's food problems, at least according to companies like Monsanto and Dow Chemical. The authors of this book say Not Exactly.

If the purpose of genetic engineering of food was to increase productivity per acre, then it would be not so bad. So far, that has not happened. The only reason for the existence of Roundup Ready soybeans is to increase tolerance to Monsanto's Roundup pesticide, thereby forcing it on farmers. In some cases, productivity over regular soybeans actually decreases. Monsanto has also bought several of the major seed producing companies, further limiting the choices for farmers. Genetic diversity of soybeans is also negatively affected. If large areas of farmland are planted with, genetically, the same plant, what happens when a pesticide-resistant disease or bug comes along? This doesn't include the possible long term effects on the soil and on human health. Up to now, the purpose of genetic engineering has been to increase corporate profits, not help the world's poor.

This book does explore a lot more than just Monsanto and soybeans. The authors have created a very readable look at how genetic engineering is no longer of concern just to scientists, but to everyone. Highly recommended.

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